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She rather reads Harry Potter Erotica, than watch a porn movie

Brenna Twohy houdt tijdens de ‘Button Poetry’-slam een pleidooi voor Harry Potter erotica i.p.v. het kijken van pornofilms. Mooie speech!

Huffington Post: “Visit any porn site, and you’ll be bombarded by a video player collage of click-through body parts. Some of them have clear owners, and others are presented as if entirely independent of a larger musculoskeletal structure. Pairs of breasts here, there. Legs tangle in the lower right corner. A face surfaces, but only for the money shot.

So when spoken word artist Brenna Twohy tells you that she is an unabashed devotee of all things “Pottererotica” — erotic fiction based in the magical universe of Harry Potter — your response probably shouldn’t be that her taste is “unrealistic.” Given all of her options, erotica rooted in a fantasy book series actually seems the least fantastical.” (read more)

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